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Pregnancy Intention, Part 2

“A goal is what we want the end result to be.

An intention is the way of being on our journey to get there."

-The Mindful Mamas


Intention Part 2: Planting Intention

I see intention setting as a process:

1. Acknowledge Intent - this is finding a desire that exists within you.

2. Dream into it - let yourself want it. Feel the love or excitement, and plant it into your subconscious.

3. Welcome what shows up - Resistance will arise, and the obstacle is the way.

4. Receive and live your Intent


This week, we are going to do # 1 and 2 from above: a little visualization practice to figuratively plant your intention into your subconscious mind, to get ready to invite it into your reality.

This may sound and feel a little woo woo hocus pocus artsy fartsy, but stay with me if it feels right.

This is actually the fun part.  


Journalling Part 1 - Setting Intent

Step One

Before doing the dreaming practice, review your list of possible intentions.
Now is the time to feel into what you are drawn to, and pick one!

Try to keep it simple, and trust that your choice is natural and easy. It doesn’t mean you don’t still desire the others on your list, it just means this one thing is something that calls to you now. If you’re not sure which is calling to you, it’s even OK to pick randomly - eeny meeny miny mo! If you feel anxious about deciding, try to relieve yourself of any pressure - there’s no right or wrong choice. You don’t have to be committed to this one for any length of time. You can change whenever you want. You can't get it wrong. Continue to explore stories and worries that have come up through contemplating your intention for this pregnancy by freewriting in your journal.

And remember - this is for you. Your intention is for you and your pregnancy journey. No one else. If you wish to make a shared intention with your partner, that is up to you. Just make sure that you are choosing something for you, with your heart and whole being, not what your mind thinks you should choose. No need for anything grand or spiritual. Just a basic, simple, acknowledged desire that feels true and meaningful for YOU, now.


Tips on choosing:

  • Choose something that feels relatively concrete (though it may be an abstract concept like ‘joy’ or ‘gratitude’ or ‘peace’ is fine, try to get the wording concrete for you, now. For example, “To know and experience peace and joy” is more concrete than “peace and joy”).

  • Choose something that feels probable. While all desires or intentions are possible, some are highly unlikely. It may be an issue of wording. For example, if this is your 4th baby and you’ve experienced hernia and prolapse in the past, then  “to maintain a strong core and pelvic floor for this whole pregnancy” is not a probable intention. “To support my body in its changes and feel capable” might be more probable. For example, if you have a history of anxiety and/or depression, “To be truly happy every day” may not be probable for YOU, now. “To be present with my emotions and inch towards loving myself unconditionally” might be more probable. You get the idea. A reach, but not too far. (Hint - if it is too far, it probably won’t feel good. It will feel like more despair or fear than desire)

  • Choose something that is within your sphere of influence. You don’t have to be in full control, but don’t choose something that is out of control. For example, don’t choose “to have perfect blood pressure readings at every prenatal checkup.” That is concrete, but it is not really something you have control over.

  • Lastly, and most importantly, choose something that you feel excited about. It doesn’t have to be a huge excitement, just a little whiff of subtle excitement is fine. Something that stirs you. That tickles your imagination, lights your smile, or strums your heartstrings. If there is an intent that already feels like it’s happening effortlessly, maybe you don’t need to pick that one or focus on it. Maybe it is already flowing. Pick one that would feel like- YES! if it were a reality in your life, a bit of a reach perhaps. A little fear is actually OK, a good sign that you picked something exciting and edgy for your subconscious. As long as the desire and love for what you want is there, a little ego fear showing up is to be expected.


Step Two

Play around with the wording.  If your intention is currently a negative statement, such as "to have less back pain", see if you can flip it around and make it positive i.e. "to have my back feel good and strong". Attempt to make it concise; the fewer words the better. Try to get to the heart of the intention, the feeling tone of your desire rather than the specifics. Simple is best, and there is no need to get wordy or descriptive; unless the poetic version lights you up! YOU know, your body and soul and whole being know what you desire. You’re uncovering this deep intent and translating this into a statement that feels right.  



Listen to the Dreaming Intent audio at a time when you have 15-20 minutes. Before bed would be ideal, as they say that is a time when we really access our subconscious minds. You only need to listen to this audio once, to introduce your intent to your subconscious and your body. It moves a bit quickly, because I was trying to keep it short; you may wish to pause and do more visualization or sensing in silence if this feels right. In addition, try to choose a time where you are in a pleasant or chill mood. If you are already stressed or upset, this is not a good meditation. Bring an attitude of lightness and fun to it!


There is an eyeroll technique along with visualization in this audio recording that I learned from RTT, a hypnosis healing method for emotional wellbeing and the Silva method. It's a fun little shortcut out of our typical beta brainwave problem solving mental state to the alpha brain wave state, associated with deep relaxation, presence, connecting with others and ourselves, clarity, learning, sensing in the body, releasing and feeling emotions, and accepting what is.


Journalling part 2 - Intention dreaming reflection

Write about your experience with dreaming about your intention.

Consider answer the following in your journal:

  • Did the visualization come easily or feel hard?

  • Did you see anything?

  • What images came up?

  • How did you feel?

  • What ideas do you have for living your intention?

  • What would it look like for you?

  • Is there resistance coming up to dreaming about and living your intention?


Ongoing Practices

1. Find the Good. We are so conditioned to look for what is wrong and focus on problem solving. Flip this by simply noticing  what is already good in your life. Aim to do it every day if you can!

Whenever you get a chance, write in your journal 3 things you are grateful for. In addition to writing what you are grateful for, consider the following gratitude twists to mix it up:

       Brags - what am I so proud of myself for? what would I maybe not admit to anyone out loud, but I'm secretly thrilled about?

       Beautiful moments - what happened today that was a moment of pleasure, delight, beauty, wonder, joy? It doesn't matter if you had the shittiest day ever, there was still that one moment where you noticed the light on your daughter’s hair and it was stunning. Write THAT down.  

       Consider making a symbol to write next to your thankful fors, like a heart shaped bullet point, or a star, or a spiral, something that feels fun to you.


2. Daily relaxation. At least once per day, stop all that you are doing and simply be. Simply breathe, be still, and let your body fully relax. A favorite meditation or breathing practice can be useful for this such as the Letting Go Breathing. You can also do this before falling asleep, when you first wake up, when you are in your car or the bathroom alone, or another time in the flow of your busy day.  Next week, we’ll welcome what shows up in response to setting your intent!

Be well and be you,


Anchor 1

Dreaming Intent

This is a visualization and sensing practice to plant your intention into your subconscious, and feel it into your body. After setting your intention, or desire, this is the next step in learning to receive it and move towards it. Enjoy!

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